Industry Webinar Valuing the Social, Health and Economic Benefits of the National Aquatic Industry

Royal Life Saving Aquatic Industry Webinar: Valuing the Social, Health and Economic Benefits of the National Aquatic Industry


For almost every Australian, at regular points in their life, the local pool has played an important role as a place of recreation, learning, fun or fitness

There is a risk that such ubiquity means that Australia’s aquatic industry - a combination of Council-owned public aquatic facilities, learn-to-swim businesses, fitness club pools, swimming pool sports, and peak associations - could be too easily taken for granted.

Royal Life Saving are pleased to launch at this event an independent assessment of the Health, Social and Economic Value of the Australian Aquatic Industry, prepared by Pricewaterhouse Coopers Australia (PwC), and host a discussion from leading experts on both the practices and opportunities associated with impact assessment in sport, aquatics and broader advocacy.

Valuing the Social, Health and Economic Benefits of the National Aquatic Industry