Industry Webinar AWSS Webinar Series: Places - Rivers and Lakes

Inland Waterway Safety Webinars


There are many stakeholders for inland waterways - water authorities, tourism operators, local councils, aquatic industry operators and parks and wildlife authorities - all of which have a role to play in promoting safety in inland waters and reducing the risk of drowning. ,

Royal Life Saving provided two free webinars highlighting some of the key research and policy surrounding inland waterway safety and drowning prevention, as well as programs and practices which can reduce risk and save lives.

To coincide with the webinar series, Royal Life Saving will be released draft Guidelines for Inland Water Safety for community and industry consultation.

Royal Life Saving Society - Australia facilitated two webinars (recordings below) to discuss the research, policy, programs and practices applying to inland waterways drowning prevention and safety management and summarises the key areas to address for waterway managers to comply wth the Guidelines for Inland Water Safety.

Featured speakers:

  • Dr Amy Peden, University of New South Wales
  • Caitlin Schiavone, legal researcher
  • RJ Houston, Royal Life Saving Society - Australia
  • Alek Olszewski, Life Saving Victoria
  • Peter Wright, Albury Dive Rescue
  • and others

Webinar recordings:

Part 1: Research and Policy

Part 2: Programs and Practices