Expert Witness Services
As the recognised authority in Australia, Royal Life Saving has been conducting research, analysis and providing expert advice to government, industry and waterway managers for over 125 years, including both sides of legal and criminal proceedings.

Expert Witness Service

Service Overview

Court decisions often establish legal precedents and coroner’s inquests produce recommendations designed to help avoid similar fatalities in future.

As the recognised authority in Australia, Royal Life Saving has been conducting research, analysis and providing expert advice to government, industry and waterway managers for over 125 years, including both sides of legal and criminal proceedings. As an independent and expert body, it is vital that Royal Life Saving is able to provide objective advice and recommendations to any party seeking to reduce the likelihood and consequence of future aquatic related incidents.

Royal Life Saving can reconstruct aquatic incidents and assist with identifying causal issues while aiding in the improvement of prevention systems.

Royal Life Saving is capable of presenting detailed reports and appearing in court on behalf of any party to a proceeding.

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