Understanding the Risks in Our Community

In the serene landscapes of the Loddon Mallee region, waterways offer both beauty and potential danger.

Shockingly, over 80% of the individuals who tragically drowned in the community were residents of this very region.

This statistic highlights the importance of local awareness and education about water safety. By equipping ourselves with knowledge, we empower the community to make informed decisions around water activities.

Dams, despite their tranquil appearance, are revealed as he most common locations for drowning incidents in the Loddon Mallee region.

This fact serves as a stark reminder of the hidden hazards present in seemingly peaceful environments. It is imperative to remain vigilant and aware of the potential risks that water bodies, such as dams, pose.

This campaign is supported by the Australian Government.

Make the Right Call and Look Out For Your Mates

  • Avoid going alone
  • Avoid alcohol around water
  • Watch your footing around water
  • Consider the effects of any medication
  • Wear a lifejacket

Alcohol and Water: A Dangerous Mix

Statistics reveal a concerning trend in Victoria, where 67% of alcohol-related drownings occur in inland waterways. This alarming figure sheds light on the dangers of alcohol consumption in aquatic settings, emphasising the need for responsible behaviour when engaging in water-related activities. By staying informed and making conscious choices, we can prevent tragic outcomes.

Water: Slip, Trip, Fall

Many tragic drownings in the Loddon Mallee region occur due to unexpected circumstances.

Surprisingly, a significant portion of individuals who lost their lives in water-related incidents didn't plan to enter the water at all; they simply slipped, tripped, or fell in. This highlights the importance of remaining cautious and vigilant near water bodies, even if your intention isn't to engage with them directly.

Prioritising Health and Safety

Understanding the impact of medical conditions and medications is crucial in promoting water safety. Certain health conditions or medications can impair judgement, coordination, any physical abilities, increasing the risk of accidents in aquatic environments. It's essential for individuals to be aware of their own health status and consult with healthcare professionals to understand how their conditions or medications may affect their safety near water.

Promoting Safe Recreational Activities

Engaging in recreational activities like boating and fishing can be enjoyable, but it's imperative to prioritise safety at all times. Wearing life jackets is a simple yet effective measure to prevent drowning incidents, particularly for those involved in water-based activities.

Share our Safety Messages

Community groups can utilise the posters, social media tiles, an video content to spread crucial water safety information.

Be sure to tag #maketherightcall

For more information contact media@lsv.com.au


The Australian Government provides significant support and funding for Royal Life Saving's drowning prevention initiatives and activities, including the Make the Right Call Campaign.