Water Safety Plea as Summer Drowning Toll Continues to Rise

Published 14 February 2023 

Ten people have died from drowning in the past week, promoting an urgent call from water safety experts for people to be vigilant around water.

The surge in drowning deaths brings the Summer Drowning Toll to 64 since 1 December 2022.

Males aged 35 – 64 years make up the highest number of drowning deaths so far this summer.

The majority (59%) of drowning deaths occurred in NSW at coastal locations when swimming. However inland waterways also pose a significant risk, with almost a third of fatal drowning incidents occurring in lakes, rivers, and dams.

A common trend is people swimming at unsupervised, isolated locations where it may be harder to raise the alarm and receive timely help from emergency services.

Royal Life Saving Chief Executive Officer, Justin Scarr said another concerning trend was people drowning while attempting to rescue others in the water, with eight rescuer deaths this summer.

“These are incredibly tragic incidents, and our thoughts go out to their loved ones and communities,” Mr Scarr said.

“If you see someone in difficulty, we remind to call triple zero and alert emergency services.

“We need people to continue being alert and think twice about their safety around all waterways. We want people to enjoy the water safely and be aware of their limitations, especially at unsupervised or unpatrolled locations.”

Royal Life Saving urges everyone to be aware of their safety around the water, in all locations.

These are our top five tips to enjoy the water safely this summer:

  • Always supervise children around water
  • Avoid alcohol around water
  • Wear a lifejacket when boating and fishing
  • Know the conditions
  • Avoid going alone

Royal Life Saving Summer Drowning Toll

Royal Life Saving’s Summer Drowning Toll is updated regularly over the summer (1 Dec 2022 to 28 Feb 2023). The website includes an analysis of fatal drowning, including a comparison of ‘this time’ last summer, as well as location and activity information. The website can be found at https://www.royallifesaving.com.au/research-and-policy/drowning-research/summer-drowning-toll

Royal Life Saving Society – Australia’s research, education and advocacy work in drowning prevention and water safety is supported by the Australian Government.

For media enquiries, please contact Media Key on 0409 420 112 or 03 9769 6488.

Royal Life Saving Water Safety Enjoy the Water Safely