Organisation Status
Royal Life Saving Society - Australia is a public benevolent institution (PBI) and is a Public Company Limited by Guarantee. ABN: 71 008 594 616
National Board of Directors
The National Board is the governing body of Royal Life Saving Society - Australia comprising of the President and Directors.
Each State and Territory Member Organisation elects a Director to represent them.
The National President and Deputy President are elected from the National Board membership to serve a one year term of office.
The National Board is responsible for the transparent, accountable governance of the Society and for policy making and setting strategic direction.
Board Members
President | Alexandra Ash |
Deputy President | James Whiteside |
Australian Capital Territory | Paul Reynolds |
New South Wales | James Whiteside |
Northern Territory | James Sheridan |
Queensland | Nicky Sloan |
South Australia | Kia Logan |
Tasmania | Pending |
Victoria | Mark Scott ESM |
Western Australia | Dr Gemma Crawford |
Independent Directors | Alexandra Ash |
Chief Executive Officer | Justin Scarr (Company Secretary) |
National Advisers
Medical - Professor John Pearn AO RFD