The National Board is the governing body of Royal Life Saving Society - Australia comprising of the President and Directors.

Organisation Status

Royal Life Saving Society - Australia is a public benevolent institution (PBI) and is a Public Company Limited by Guarantee. ABN: 71 008 594 616

National Board of Directors

The National Board is the governing body of Royal Life Saving Society - Australia comprising of the President and Directors.

Each State and Territory Member Organisation elects a Director to represent them.

The National President and Deputy President are elected from the National Board membership to serve a one year term of office.

The National Board is responsible for the transparent, accountable governance of the Society and for policy making and setting strategic direction.

Board Members

President Alexandra Ash
Deputy President James Whiteside
Australian Capital Territory Paul Reynolds
New South Wales James Whiteside
Northern Territory James Sheridan
Queensland Nicky Sloan
South Australia Kia Logan
Tasmania Pending
Victoria Mark Scott ESM
Western AustraliaDr Gemma Crawford

Independent Directors

Alexandra Ash
Professor Richard Franklin

Chief Executive Officer Justin Scarr (Company Secretary)



National Advisers

Medical - Professor John Pearn AO RFD

A water-loving nation free from drowning.
Our Vision
Royal Life Saving Society – Australia Commemorates 125 Year of Lifesaving
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