Industry Engagement
National Aquatic Infrastructure Symposium
The National Aquatics Symposium will develop a policy and practice roadmap to guide future collective action and impact relating to Australian aquatic infrastructure.
National Aquatic Industry Committee
The National Aquatic Industry Committee (NAIC) has the goal of strengthening the health, safety and viability of aquatic facility ownership and operations across Australia.
National Sports & Physical Activity Convention
The leading knowledge sharing, networking and expo for the sports and recreation industry
Webinar Series
Royal Life Saving faciliates a range of hard-hitting and informative webinars on key issues and initiatives, with recordings made available to GSPO subscribers.
National Aquatic Workforce Symposium
Aquatics Symposium
The National Aquatics Symposium will develop a policy and practice roadmap to guide future collective action and impact on three current issues in aquatics: swimming skills, workforce and infrastructure.
SE QLD Water Safety Forum
The SE QLD Water Safety Forum brought together more than 120 stakeholders with an interest in collaborating towards a drowning prevention plan for the region and those with an interest in best practice in aquatic facility safety management.
Aquatic Industry Awards
Royal Life Saving, with support from the National Aquatic Industry Committee facilitates the National Aquatic Industry Safety Awards. The awards acknowledge the achievements of aquatic facilities and their staff and provide an opportunity to formally recognise their commitment to improving health, safety and viability outcomes.
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