Swim Ready Resources

Digital Resource Kit

Please Do

  • Download and use the marketing resources below to promote the important Swim Ready message.
  • Order additional marketing resources to display in your facility and local community. Please contact Health Promotions Coordinator, Royal Life Saving NSW on (02) 9634 3700 or Email: healthpromotions@royalnsw.com.au.
  • Tag #SwimReady and @RoyalLifeSaving in social media post.

Please Don’t

  • Alter or change the Swim Ready or Royal Life Saving logos.
  • Change, move or resize the design, text, images or logos.
  • Add text or images.
  • Add logos of your local sponsors as this may conflict with our supporters or portray your sponsors as sponsors of Swim Ready or Royal Life Saving.
  • Use our resources to promote other programs that are not Swim Ready or an initiative of Royal Life Saving.

Social media can be a powerful marketing and engagement tool so we’ve created some social media images and related text that you can use on your facility’s Facebook, Instagram and Twitter channels.

Social Media Text - suggestions pasted below:


Before you jump in:
Chat to your doctor about your health
Consider the effects of any medication you are taking
Consider bringing along a swim buddy. It’s safer and social.
Check out your local Aquatic Centre. When it comes to safety, socialising and support there’s no better place
And remember it’s safer to swim in a supervised area

Downloadable Resources include:

Swim Ready

Printed Resources including Aquatic Centre Displays

If you would like to obtain any of the printed resources including displays, or have any questions or would like assistance with implementation at your Aquatic Centre please contact the Health Promotions Coordinator, Royal Life Saving NSW on (02) 9634 3700 or Email: healthpromotions@royalnsw.com.au