Aquasafe is a unique water safety and awareness program designed specifically for Year 2 students in the ACT. The concept of the program was developed as a joint initiative between Royal Life Saving ACT and the ACT Government Education and Training Directorate. Participation for the program is partially funded by the ACT Government. This funding increases accessibility and affordability of the program for all students.
The program consists of a 2-week (10-day) block of pool-based sessions and 5 x 40 minute classroom sessions. Royal Life Saving ACT is responsible for the organisation and facilitation of the pool sessions, including transport, for all ACT public primary schools and has developed a Teacher Resource for the delivery of the classroom sessions.
Aquasafe is different from traditional learn to swim programs in that it focuses specifically on water safety and survival skills and knowledge that can be applied to a range of aquatic environments. Aquasafe complements existing learn to swim programs and supports children to develop the knowledge, skills and understanding to avoid danger and prevent death in and around water.
The Aquasafe program is typically delivered via the following schedule:
ACT Schools can choose their preferred public pool venue and all bus transportation is included in the cost per student
Registrations for this program are managed through our web-based enrolment system.
Please use the buttons below to navigate the system or contact us directly for all other enquiries: Email – or Phone (02) 6260 5800.

The Swim and Survive program aims is to improve student's abilities to be safe in and around water and make smart decisions. By offering a well-balanced and curriculum focused program, we aim to help students develop a sound knowledge of water awareness and safety. Participation in this program may help reduce their chances of being involved in an aquatic related incident.
Unlike regular learn to swim lessons that may specifically concentrate on swimming technique, Swim and Survive provides a broad, balanced program of swimming, water safety and survival skills. The program will provide direct links to the Australian School Curriculum.
“Royal Life Saving Society’s National Drowning report continues each year to highlight drowning deaths of children under the age of 10 as a major concern in Australia. This age group is particularly vulnerable as they begin to explore the world around them with less and less supervision as they grow” General Manager of Royal Life Saving ACT Cherry Bailey said.
“Our aim is to ensure that every single ACT school offers every single ACT student the opportunity to gain vital life skills in swimming and water safety.”
The ACT Schools’ Swim and Survive program is typically delivered via one of the following delivery schedules:

ACT Schools can choose their preferred public pool venue and all bus transportation is included in the cost per student.
For schools wishing to enrol or enquire about the ACT Primary Schools’ Swim and Survive Program, contact us via Email - or phone (02) 6260 5800.
Registrations for this program are managed through our web-based enrolment system. Please use the buttons below to navigate to the system contact us directly for all other enquiries: Email –, Phone (02) 6260 5800.