Rock fishing

Before leaving home

  • Check the weather and water conditions before you go
  • Wear lightweight clothing and non-slip footwear such as sandals, sandshoes, with cleats to provide additional traction
  • Tell someone where you are going and when you will be back
  • Always go with a friend or a group of people

When you get to the location

  • Always wear a lifejacket
  • Look for and read the safety signs at the location
  • Ask advice from locals about the conditions
  • Spend some time observing the water conditions before fishing
  • Always take a form of communication such as a mobile phone. However, note that some remote locations have no mobile phone reception
  • Carry safety gear such as a rope and a float
  • Never turn your back on the water
  • Do not jump in if someone is washed into the water

If you end up in the water

  • If you are swept into the water by a wave, swim away from the rocks as much as possible
  • Stay calm
  • If someone is washed in, throw a rope or something that floats
  • Call emergency services by dialling Triple Zero or 112 to get help

Further information

Don't Put Your Life on the Line

Find out more about how to stay safe while rock fishing.

Always go with a buddy
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Make the Right Call
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