Contact Us

Royal Life Saving is active across Australia. Our members, volunteers, trainers, employees and lifesavers are found in almost all communities. Our approach is inclusive and some of our biggest achievements occur away from large capital cities.

We would love to hear from you and would be happy to assist with further details for our water safety programs, courses, products and resources. Please contact your local State and Territory office as listed below:


For MEDIA ENQUIRIES (NOTE THIS IS FOR MEDIA ONLY) - Royal Life Saving is always happy to assist members of the media in any way we can and we welcome media enquiries.  In the first instance, if you have a media enquiry, kindly ring Media Key on 03 9769 6488 (the number diverts after hours so it is 24 hour/7 days a week service).

Contact Us

If you require additional information and/or resources please submit your request in the form below.

Rest assured we won’t share your name, address or phone number with anyone else. (As per our Privacy Policy).

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