Advocacy Report - Value of the Aquatic Industry
This resource will assist aquatic industry in advocating the social, health and economic benefits of aquatic facilities.

Social Health and Economic Value of the Aquatic Industry

Royal Life Saving, on behalf of the National Aquatic Industry Committee (NAIC), managed the Social Health and Economic Benefits of the National Aquatic Industry Project in partnership with Pricewaterhouse Coopers Australia.

The key objectives of the project were to:

  • Achieve and share a greater insight and understanding of the aquatic industry
  • Create a greater evidence base for advocacy / investment in aquatic facility provisioning and infrastructure
  • Enhance business cases for renewing infrastructure on aging infrastructure
  • Foster a shared understanding of community and social value brought by aquatics and the cost of not investing in aquatic infrastructure
  • Create an enhanced understanding of the industry to government
  • Support the development of a strong, sustainable and responsive aquatic industry

You can read the report below and download the 2-page highlights here:

Download the highlights here