AS3 - Access and Entrance Signage

AS3 - Access and Entrance Signage

Issue Date Effective Date Version
19/09/2017 01/01/2018 1.0


To establish guidance for the design of signs to the entrance of aquatic environments in and around aquatic facility.

Primary Access/Entrance Signage

Primary access signs should be placed at each main entrance to an aquatic facility and at pedestrian entrances; the exact position will depend upon the nature of the environment.

Primary access signs are usually in the form of a Multiple Sign and should include key safety information and rules that is applicable for the entire aquatic facility.

Secondary Access / Entrance Signage

Secondary access signs may be used at pedestrian entrances or entrances to specific aquatic environment. These signs should be placed at each entrance that is not a main entrance, e.g. a small footway, side access or minor path access.

These signs may be used at main entrances if the location is small and/or rural. These signs can also be used to reinforce an entrance area such as an access path and are fixed at regular intervals along an open access way.


Primary access signs should include the following safety information:

  • Pool Hours
  • Key Pool warning and regulations (i.e. No Glass permitted)
  • Lifeguard Supervision information (i.e. No Lifeguard on Duty)
  • Parental Supervision information (i.e. Children must be supervised at all times)
  • Special Considerations for the time (i.e. Leisure Pool Closed)