AS5 - Wave Pools and Rivers Signage

AS5 - Wave Pools and Rivers Signage

Issue Date Effective Date Version
19/09/2017 01/01/2018 1.0


To establish guidance for the design of signs in and around wave pools.


Signs should be placed in a position where they can be seen by users before entering the water, from the pool side and within the water.

All pool signage should be installed to minimise fading or damage from bather traffic or from cleaning.


Depth signage similar to that used in pool signage should be used.

Wave Pool Signage

Moving Water

In wave pools or rivers, signage should be used to indicate hazards relating to the movement of the water relevant to its pace and size. This may include strong currents, breaking waves or swimming is not advised if:

  1. Pregnant
  2. Had recent surgery
  3. Have a known heart condition
  4. Have known back condition

In water less than 1.8m for “wet-deck” pools or less than 2.0m for pools with surrounding walls greater than 380mm above the water level, Australian Standard “No Diving” signs as well as the words NO DIVING should be displayed.

Emergency Stop

Direction to and above the emergency stop button signage should be displayed should be displayed.

Other Signage

Other signage may also include other items such as;

  1. ‘Keep Clear at the deep end walls during waves - in cases where there may be a risk of entrapment from wave generating wall.
  2. Watch your Head signage when going under a Bridge or overhang.
  3. Emergency Exit.


  • Rivers Guideline
  • AS 1319-1994 Safety Signs for the Occupational Environment
  • AS/NZS 2416.1:2010 Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3 Water Safety Signs and beach safety flags
  • ISO 7001 Graphic Symbol – Public Information Symbols
  • AS 2419 Fire Hydrant Installations
  • AS 2293.3 2005 Emergency Escape Lighting and Exit Signs for Buildings
  • National Construction Code of Australia 2016 (NCC)