AS7 - Water Features and Amusement Devices Signage

AS7 - Water Features and Amusement Devices Signage

Issue Date Effective Date Version
19/09/2017 01/01/2018 1.0


To establish guidance for the design of signs in and around water features and amusement devices.


Depth signage similar to that used in pool signage should be used.

Shallow and Deep Water

Shallow and Deep water signage similar to that used in pool signage should be used.

Appropriate signage should be displayed warning against aiming water at bathers faces where ever water spouts are present.

Activity Signage

In areas where there is heightened activity due to the water features and amusement devices the words No running, No Jumping, No bomb diving and the corresponding sign should be displayed. N.B. Additional Supervision Signage should also be displayed on the pool concourse.

Children under 10 years should be under the active supervision of a person 16 years or older whilst in the activity area.

Display of Rules

The owner or operator of an aquatic facility with an aquatic amusement ride or device should:

  • Display adequate information on the possible effects the use of a ride or device may have on patrons; and
  • Instruct operators of devices on the importance of carrying out, at all times, any oral instructions for patrons as may be necessary for their safe participation in the device.

The following information (or variations thereof for specific rides or devices) for patrons should be considered for display at appropriate locations:

  • There are inherent risks in the participation in or on an amusement ride or device. Patrons, by their participation, accept the inherent risks of which a prudent person is or should be aware. Patrons should consider this participation an exercise in good judgement and act in a responsible manner while using the facility.
  • Patrons have a duty not to participate in or on any amusement ride or device when under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
  • Patrons have a duty to act with good judgement and consideration, both for themselves and others, and to refrain from behaviour which could affect their safety, the safety of other patrons, or the safety of the device itself.
  • Patrons have a duty to obey all reasonable written, and particularly oral, instructions and warnings, given by the proprietors or operators of any ride or device, without objection.
  • Patrons have a duty to use, as instructed, all safety equipment provided when participating in any ride or device. Patrons choosing to supply their own safety equipment do so at their own risk and accept full responsibility for any failure or non-performance of such equipment.
  • Patrons of amusement rides or devices have a duty to assist in any investigation of any incident they may have witnessed or in which they may have had some involvement and to inform an investigation as to any contribution from their own actions.

Owners or operators of amusement rides or devices should display such information on appropriate signage at the point of sale where the contract for the use of such devices is completed


  • AS 1319-1994 Safety Signs for the Occupational Environment
  • AS/NZS 2416.1:2010 Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3 Water Safety Signs and beach safety flags
  • ISO 7001 Graphic Symbol – Public Information Symbols
  • AS 2419 Fire Hydrant Installations
  • AS 2293.3 2005 Emergency Escape Lighting and Exit Signs for Buildings
  • National Construction Code of Australia 2016 (NCC)
  • Australian Standard 3533.2 Amusement Rides and devices Part 2: Operation and maintenance