AM3 - Asset Management Plan
Issue Date | Effective Date | Version |
19/09/2017 | 01/01/2018 | 1.0 |
To determine the approach, management components and resources that is applied to the management of assets at an aquatic location.
An Asset Management Plan should include:
- The context of the asset management process
- The criteria used for the asset management process
- The process used to identify, analyse, evaluate and manage assets within the aquatic location
- How often the asset register will be reviewed, the process for review and who is involved
- What assessment/inspection methodologies used including methods for ensuring that all the information contained in the Asset Management System is accurate and up to date
- Who will be responsible for which aspects of asset management
- How the status of the assets will be reported and to whom
- How significant change would be managed
- A description of the consultation with workers that: occurred and will occur in the preparation of the Asset Management Plan
- AS ISO 550001:2014 Asset Management – Management systems – requirements