CS9 - Online Environments

Issue Date Effective Date Version
14/12/2023 01/07/2024 1.0


To provide guidance to owners and operators of aquatic facilities for child safety to be implemented in online environments associated with the aquatic facility.


An owner or operator of an aquatic facility should ensure that requirements and appropriate standards are in place for communications and online environments associated with the aquatic facility whose audiences and users include children and young people, or could include children and young people.

It is recommended that for the purpose of filming and photography, an organisational devise is used, rather than a personal device, wherever possible.

An owner or operator of an aquatic facility should ensure that parents and carers have provided permission for their child or young person to participate in the online environment and on the specific electronic devices required for the specified program or activity.

An owner or operator of an aquatic facility should ensure permission from the parent and carer has been recorded.

The owner or operator of an aquatic facility should ensure all staff, volunteers and contractors:

  • Interact with the online environment in a manner which supports a professional, positive and safe online culture for children and young people.
  • Only share approved organisational content and information online which contains appropriate language and content, suitable for children and young people.
  • Communicate with children & young people in a professional and supportive manner to promote learning and growth.
  • Use language that creates accessible, inclusive and equitable environment.
  • Listen to and respect what children & young people have to say.
  • Communicate with children and young people via their parents or carers and through appropriate, authorised channels such as work email or telephone.
  • Mitigate risks in the online and physical environments without compromising a child’s right to privacy, access to information, social connections and learning opportunities.

The owner or operator of an aquatic facility should require all staff, volunteers and contractors to not:

  • Utilise the online environment for inappropriate sharing of language, derogatory terminology or content, including imagery and film which may cause harm to children or young people.
  • Share personal information of themselves or other colleagues including imagery of children and young people without the informed consent of the individuals parent or carer.
  • Publish any content which may cause embarrassment, harm or psychological / mental / emotional abuse to a child or young person.
  • Publish any content which identifies perpetrators of child abuse and harm in an act of revenge or betrayal of privacy.
  • Use an online environment or communicate to a child or young person in ways that are not appropriate for the minor’s appropriate age and development.