IM2 - Incident Management Team Training

IM2 - Incident Management Team Training

Issue Date Effective Date Version
19/09/2017 01/01/2018 1.0


To provide guidance on a minimum standard for those involved in the emergency planning at an aquatic facility.

Incident Management Team Members

Initial Training

All Incident Management Team members (including deputies) should be trained to develop the skills and knowledge necessary to undertake the duties set out in the Emergency Plan.

The owner or operator of an Aquatic Facility should ensure there are sufficient personnel trained in all positions of the IMT to allow for absenteeism of staff.

The training should include exercises and formal assessment activities and address, but not necessarily be limited to, the following:

  • The duties of the IMT as described in the emergency response procedures and/or emergency plan
  • Procedures for the specific emergencies contained in the emergency plan
  • Responding to alarms and reports of emergencies
  • Reporting emergencies and initiating the installed emergency warning equipment
  • Communication during emergencies
  • Pre-emergency activities
  • Emergency activities
  • Post-emergency activities
  • Occupants and visitors with disabilities. This may need to include training on personal emergency evacuation plans
  • Human behaviour during emergencies
  • The use of installed emergency response equipment including evacuation chairs, evacuation sheets and WIP phones where applicable

Individual employees who are delegated responsibility as part of an IMT to lead in the preparation of workplace emergency procedures; command, control and coordinate workplace emergency procedures and response; and conclude the incident should also have additional training in the following:

  • Their roles and responsibilities within the emergency plan
  • Duties of the EPC
  • Duties of the ERT, where it exists, as described in the emergency response procedures
  • Decision-making, command and control
  • Record keeping
  • Actions for the specific emergencies contained in the emergency response procedures
  • Coordination of communications(s) during emergencies, including use of any installed specialised communications equipment
  • Liaison with Emergency Services
  • Coordination of evacuation activities
  • Implementation of post-emergency activities in accordance with the emergency plan

All IMT member (including deputies) should participate in a skills session as part of their induction into any communication systems within the aquatic facility including but not limited to PA Systems, Radios, Speakers and Emergency Alarms.

Currency Training

All IMT members (including deputies) should participate in a skills currency session at intervals no longer than 6 months apart. At a minimum this should cover the following:

  • A revision of their roles and responsibilities in the Emergency Plan
  • Operations and use of any emergency control equipment

Emergency Response Team Members

When an Emergency Planning Committee at an Aquatic Facility deems it necessary for employees to undertake an emergency response team, employees should receive specific skills training that addresses the following

  • Command and control
  • Safe, effective actions to take control of workplace emergencies
  • Pre-emergency planning
  • Reacting safely to emergencies
  • Emergencies that may occur
  • Procedures for specific emergencies
  • Specialized equipment use
  • Pre- and post-emergency servicing requirements
  • Responding to identified emergencies
Currency Training

Emergency Response Team members should participate in a skills currency session in the above skills at intervals no longer than 12 months apart.

Staff and Contractors (Including Volunteers)

All staff, contractors and volunteers working at an Aquatic Facility should receive training to enable them to act in accordance with the emergency response procedures.

The training should include, but not necessarily be limited to, the following:

  • Staff, contractors and volunteer responsibilities within the facility emergency response procedures
  • The types of emergencies contained in the emergency plan
  • How to report emergencies including activation of alarm systems, if installed
  • Recognising and reporting unsafe conditions, and correcting unsafe conditions when appropriate
  • The authorities, roles, responsibilities and identification of IMT members
  • Reacting safely to emergencies and alarms
  • Evacuation procedures
  • The location of internal and external staging and assembly areas, as contained in the emergency plan
  • The location of egress routes
  • Post-emergency protocols
  • Procedures for specific emergencies
Currency Training

Staff, contractors and volunteers should participate in a skills currency session in the above skills at intervals no longer than 12 months apart.


  • AS 3745 – 2010 Planning for Emergencies in Facilities
  • PUA12 – Public Safety Training Package
  • SIS10 Sport, Fitness and Recreation Training Package