IM4 - Facility Evacuation Procedures

IM4 - Facility Evacuation Procedures

Issue Date Effective Date Version
19/09/2017 01/01/2018 1.0


To determine the approach, management components and resources that is applied to the management of an emergency at an aquatic location.


Evacuation procedures should be developed that address the actions that are to be taken by members of the Incident Management Team, staff and visitors to evacuate an aquatic location and an aquatic facility.

Evacuation procedures should include:

  1. Evacuation option as appropriate to the nature of the emergency and the aquatic location / facility:
    • Full evacuation – Clearing the Aquatic Environment or Aquatic Facility of all occupants
    • Partial Evacuation – Clearing part of an Aquatic Facility such as a single floor or swimming pool
    • Shelter in Place (no evacuation)
  2. The methodology to check that all persons that have been evacuated and the results reported to the person in command
  3. Evacuation routes including the like affect a particular emergency may have on an evacuation route
  4. The location of emergency evacuation points, assembly areas, refuges or muster points
  5. Means of evacuation where lifts, escalators, stairs or ramps are inappropriate or blocked
  6. Evacuation procedures for persons at the aquatic facility who for one reason or another may require specific assistance. This may include persons who:
    • Are accompanied by an assistant
    • Have a guide or companion animal
    • Use alternative forms of communication
    • Are hearing, vision or ambulatory impaired
    • Use a wheelchair
    • Are easily fatigued or easily experience acute anxiety or confusion in an emergency


  • AS 3745 – 2010 Planning for Emergencies in Facilities