IM5 - Requesting an Ambulance

IM5 - Requesting an Ambulance

Issue Date Effective Date Version
19/09/2017 01/01/2018 1.0


To outline the minimum information required by the Ambulance Service from an aquatic facility regarding a patient’s condition.


Good incident management involves correct and concise collection and communication of information.

The Ambulance Services have a standard set of questions it must answer before it can respond by sending an Ambulance to an incident. To maximise the effectiveness and efficiency of a response the owner or operator of an aquatic facility should align their procedures to the following:

Aquatic Facilities should provide the following information to Ambulance communications.

  • Patient Age and Sex
  • Exact location of entry to facility and persons at point of entry
  • Mechanism of Injury (what happened)
  • Chief Complaint (what is the injury)
  • Breathing Present
  • Level of Consciousness
  • Chest Pains
  • Patient location/access point
  • What action/treatment lifeguards are administering
  • The best contact number/radio channel to be contacted on
  • Update if patient condition deteriorates (loss of consciousness, difficulty breathing etc)


  • Australian Government – Triple Zero Working Group