IM7 - Witness Statements

IM7 - Witness Statements

Issue Date Effective Date Version
19/09/2017 01/01/2018 1.0


To provide guidance for witness statements collected by owners or operators of an aquatic facility as part of an Incident Debrief or Investigation.


A witness is somebody nominated by an Aquatic Facility or Incident investigator as a person who may have knowledge about the causation of an injury, illness or death at an aquatic facility.

A witness statement is a written record of the witness’s knowledge of an event/s that caused an injury, illness or death at an aquatic facility.

Witness Statements

Witness statements may be collected for the purpose of a Post Incident Debrief, Incident Investigation or as evidence to be presented in a judicial setting.

Personnel privy to witness statements must not forward them to any unauthorised person.

When providing a statement, the witness should provide facts from their direct and first-hand knowledge of the events and circumstances. Statements that are emotive are generally not helpful. The account should always be focused on the specific events surrounding the injury, including details of what the individual witnessed (heard and saw) leading up to, during and after the incident(s).


  • Incident Investigation Guidelines – Work Safe ACT
  • Investigating accidents and incidents – WA Department of Commerce