CV3 - Guidance on Qualification Extensions Resulting from Lockdowns

CV3 - Guidance on Qualification Extensions Resulting from Lockdowns

Issue Date Effective Date Version
10/09/2021 10/09/2021 1.0


To provide guidance on the ongoing reaccreditation and licensing requirements for key aquatic industry roles considering the impact of COVID-19 restrictions and associated lockdowns across the country mandating the closure of public and public-access swimming pools and the inability to complete training courses.


The National Aquatic Industry Committee (NAIC) is providing specific advice in relation to lifeguard re-accreditation and swim teacher licensing in response to the ongoing lockdowns.

The NAIC advises that with reference to the applicable sections of the Guidelines for Safe Pool Operations an extension will be put in place for Swimming and Water Safety Teachers, Pool Lifeguards and Aquatic Program Instructors whose ongoing re-accreditation and licensing requirements have been or are due for renewal during a lockdown period and the date from which aquatic facilities are able to be reopened or are able to recommence the applicable programming and/or training relevant to the role of the individual employee type.

Pool Lifeguards

Any pool lifeguard reaccreditation and/or license due for renewal during a lockdown period:

  • of up to 4-weeks should be extended by 4-weeks (28 days); or,
  • greater than 4-weeks should be extended by the duration of the applicable lockdown (e.g. a 12-week lockdown would equate to a 12-week extension); from the date facilities can reopen, after which time, the usual industry standard process outlined in the Guidelines for Safe Pool Operations SV9.7.1 and SV9.7.2 comes back into effect.

Aquatic facilities should consider the length of closure and lapsing of reaccreditation on the employees’ ability to competently execute their duties and consider providing in-service training for affected employees in line with the employer’s risk appetite.

Swim Teachers

Any swimming and water safety teacher licence due for renewal during a lockdown period of at least 7 days, should be extended by 4-weeks from the date facilities can, under applicable health restrictions, recommence swimming and water safety programming.

‘Working with Children Checks’ or their equivalents are still required to be kept up-to-date for any active swimming and water safety teacher in line with relevant legislation.

Payment plans and/or flexible payment arrangements for affected swimming and water safety teachers are encouraged to be applied by licensing organisations as applicable to support industry recovery.

Licensing organisations should apply extensions, in line with the timing above, to licenses for affected swimming and water safety teachers.

Aquatic facilities should consider the length of closure and lapsing of licensing periods on the employees’ ability to competently execute their duties and consider providing in-service training for affected employees in line with the employer’s risk appetite.

Employees should be aware of their own skills and limitations and give consideration to their own in-service training should their employer not make provisions for employer-provided in-service training.

Aquatic Program Instructors

Any aquatic program instructor due for a qualification and associated CPR renewal during a lockdown period and the date from which aquatic facilities are able to be reopened, should be extended by 4-weeks (28 days) from when facilities can reopen.

‘Working with Children Checks’ or their equivalents are still required to be kept up-to-date.

Licensing or reaccreditation organisations should apply extensions, in line with the timing above, to licenses for affected aquatic program instructors.

Aquatic facilities should consider the length of closure and lapsing of qualification periods on the employees’ ability to competently execute their duties and consider providing in-service training for affected employees in line with the employer’s risk appetite.

Employees should be aware of their own skills and limitations and give consideration to their own in-service training should their employer not make provisions for employer-provided in-service training.


  • GSPO Aquatic Supervision (SV9.7.1)
  • GSPO Swimming, Water Safety and Aquatic Exercise Programs (SV2.8.1-2 & SV3.4.1-4)