NP9 - Communication and Consultation

NP9 - Communication and Consultation

Issue Date Effective Date Version
12/02/2016 12/02/2016 1.0


To ensure that that the Australian Aquatic Industry is consulted in any significant amendments or the development of new Guidelines and are provided with the relevant communication on the endorsement and implementation.


RLSSA has a coordinated approach to communicating and consulting with industry in respect to the National Aquatic Industry Safety Framework that is not explicit given the continual improvement and transparency principles of the National Aquatic Industry Safety Framework

In carrying out the management of the Guidelines for Safe Pool Operations the Australian Aquatic Industry is consulted when:

  1. After Action Reviews of the Guidelines for Aquatic Safety (or part thereof) are undertaken
  2. Improvement have been identified and changes recommended to existing guidelines
  3. Audits are requested to be conducted
  4. Proposal for new Guidelines have been identified and recommended
  5. Changes to Guidelines have been endorsed by the National Aquatic Industry Committee and Approved by RLSSA CEO.

RLSSA has a coordinated approach to communicating and consulting with industry in respect to the National Aquatic Safety Management System that is not explicit given the continual improvement and transparency principles of the National Aquatic Safety Management System.


All planned communication and consultation activities will be communicated through the RLSSA Aquatic Industry Safety Newsletter to registered subscribers for specific information and through the RLSSA website, newsletters, reports and correspondence for general information.


Individuals and external organisations involved in the aquatic industry likely to be significantly impacted by any review and development of Guidelines shall be invited to provide input to the review and development of the Guidelines for Safe Pool Operation at any time. Input is able to be provided in the following ways:

Online Submissions

At each consultation stage of the review process, RLSSA will coordinate the collection of feedback on existing and proposed Guidelines through various electronic means including online surveys, forms and email. Feedback received through these means will be collated by RLSSA and disseminated to the NAIC members.

Consultation Workshops

RLSSA will where appropriate hold workshops in each State and Territory to engage the local aquatic industry in consultation about proposed changes to Guidelines. These workshops will be run concurrently with online submissions processes to ensure equal opportunity to provide feedback.

State/Territory Working Parties

Input may also be provided through members of the State/Territory Working Parties if established. The nature of the State/Territory Working Parties may differ with each State or Territory and will be characterised by industry engagement activities which may include meetings, teleconferences, workshops, surveys, and email and phone communication.


RLSSA Aquatic Industry Safety Hub