RM5 - Communication and Consultation of Aquatic Risk

RM5 - Communication and Consultation of Aquatic Risk

Issue Date Effective Date Version
19/09/2017 01/01/2018 1.0


To ensure that those responsible for implementing risk management and those with a vested interest, understand the basis in which decisions are made and why particular actions are required.


The owner or operator of an aquatic facility should develop a communications plan for all risks management process of an aquatic facility.

The Communication plan should ensure that:

  1. All component of the risk management framework and changes are communicated effectively and efficiently
  2. There is regular and consistent internal reporting on the effectiveness and outcomes of the framework
  3. Information is available to all stakeholders involved within the risk management framework

The Communication plan should include:

  • The objectives of the communication and consultation
  • A list and analyses of stakeholders for consultation and/or communication
  • The key messages and their purpose
  • The communication owners and senders
  • The method or channels of communications and/or consultation
  • The timing and frequency of communication and/or consultation
  • The communication and consultation strategies for each stage of the risk


Expert Advice

In developing and reviewing a risk management framework the owner or operator of the aquatic facility should have regard to any advice and recommendations given by:

  1. Emergency service organisations with responsibility (part or full) for the aquatic facility (part or full)
  2. Any government department or agency with a regulatory role in relation to aquatic facilities
  3. Non-statutory authorities or organisations with expertise/experience in Pool Operations (i.e. Royal Life Saving Society Australia)
  4. A recognised aquatic risk management facilitator or auditor endorsed or employed by Royal Life Saving
Staff, Contractor and Volunteer Consultation

The owner or operator of the aquatic facility should consult, so far is reasonably practicable with staff, contractors and volunteers who carry out work at the aquatic facility or are directly affected by the risk management framework in its development or any proposed changes to it.

The staff, contractors and volunteers should be given a reasonable opportunity to contribute to the risk management framework and shall be advised of the outcome of those contributions in a timely manner.

The risk management framework should be available to workers electronically and in hard copy at the Aquatic facility.


  • AS/NZS ISO 31000:2018 Risk management- Principles and Guidelines