RM7 - Review of an Aquatic Risk Management Framework

RM7 - Review of an Aquatic Risk Management Framework

Issue Date Effective Date Version
19/09/2017 01/01/2018 1.0


To ensure that an aquatic risk management framework at an aquatic facility remains fit for purpose and the approach to risk management remains consistent with the objectives.


In accordance with AS/NZS ISO 31000:2018 Risk management - Principles and Guidelines, the owner or operator of an aquatic facility should:

  1. Measure risk management performance at the aquatic facility against indicators, which are periodically reviewed for appropriateness
  2. Periodically measure progress against and deviation from the Risk Management Strategy and resourcing plan
  3. Periodically review changes in your aquatic facilities internal and external context that may impact your aquatic risk management framework
  4. Report on risk and compliance with your risk management policy

The owner or operator of an aquatic facility should give priority to the following as risk assurance processes absorb scarce resources:

  1. High Exposure Risks, that is where the consequence of the event could be high (i.e. Drowning)
  2. High current residual risks, where there is evidence of low control effectiveness
  3. The potential for failure of controls, especially where this would result in high or frequent con sequences
  4. Activities where changes could give rise to significant risk
  5. Parts of the aquatic facility that are regularly exposed to high levels of risk
  6. Technology advances that may offer a more effective or lower cost alternative to current risk treatment

Review Methodology

The review method an owner or operator of an aquatic facilities uses will depend on many factors, including the level of maturity of the risk management framework, any legal, regulatory or statutory requirements, the resources available and the aspect of the framework being assessed. Key review methods include:

  • Self-Assessment Checklists
  • Risk Management maturity model
  • Risk Management principles approach
  • Audit Processes
Self-Assessment Checklists

Self-Assessment Checklists developed specifically for the Aquatic Facility may be used by the owner or operator of an aquatic facility to assist them in effectively monitoring and reviewing their frameworks.

The owner or operator of an aquatic facility should use this methodology in combination with one of the other identified methodologies to ensure a systematic and disciplined approach to evaluating and improving the effectiveness of the risk management framework.

Third Party Auditing

Third Part Auditing is an independent, objective assurance and consulting function designed to add value and improve an aquatic facilities operations and accomplish it objectives by bringing a mature approach to improve the effectiveness of:

  • Risk Management processes
  • Risk Control
  • Governance and Management

The Guidelines for Safe Pool Operations – Auditing provide a detailed guidance into how an Audit of an Aquatic Facility should be conducted.

Risk Management Maturity Model

Annex A of the AS/NZS ISO 31000:2018 Risk management - Principles and Guidelines describes the attributes of an enhanced risk management. The owner or operator of an aquatic facility may use these attributes to monitor the alignment of its risk management framework with this Standard and test the maturity of the risk management framework against a set of success indicators for each attribute. These attributes include:

  • Continual improvement
  • Full accountability for risks
  • Application of risk management is all decision making
  • Continual communications about risk
  • Full integration into your governance structure of the aquatic facility

The Guidelines for Safe Pool Operations provide an example and a template into applying this approach within an aquatic facility.

Risk Management Principles Approach

The owner or operator of an aquatic facility may use the 11 Risk management principles approach to conduct a Line management review of the risks management framework and its effectiveness.

This approach is based on the premise that the framework of an aquatic facility will be more effective if you adopt those principles. The main benefit of this approach is that it is flexible and allows an a2uatic facility to develop its own indicators and is more suitable with varying levels of risk maturity.

Annual Review Schedule

The owner or operator of an aquatic facility should develop an annual review schedule or calendar that includes the following:

  1. The range/frequency of risk and audit activities (i.e. fire safety inspections, signage inspections etc)
  2. Dates and formal risk and audit meetings of risk committees, management committees and key governance structures of the aquatic facility
  3. The number and type of audits completed in support of the organisations risk management framework
  4. The number and type of risk assessments/workshops conducted across the aquatic facility

The Annual review schedule should be supported by an effective management process that includes reporting and following up of any recommendations, action items and risk mitigation plans as a result of the review activities.

The annual review schedule for an aquatic facility may be based on any of the following:

  1. The level of risk (i.e. High Risk first)
  2. The information needed
  3. The key elements of the Aquatic Facility (i.e. Staffing, Operating procedures and infrastructure, plant and equipment)
  4. The frequency of consequences


  • AS/NZS ISO 31000:2018 Risk management- Principles and Guidelines