RM8 - Continual Improvement of a Risk Framework

RM8 - Continual Improvement of a Risk Framework

Issue Date Effective Date Version
19/09/2017 01/01/2018 1.0


To ensure the ongoing relevance and effectiveness of risk management activities at an aquatic facility.


To achieve the greatest benefits from continuous improvement, the owner or operator of an aquatic facility should ensure that continual improvement activities span across all elements including process, capability, behaviours, tools and templates used to manage risks.

The owner or operator of an aquatic facility should prioritise the initiatives that are identified in the review process and ensure they are included within the risk management strategy (and resourcing plans) for the aquatic facility.

The owner or operator of an aquatic facility should also ensure that performance indicators support the continual improvement of the risk management framework to enable improvement to be measured.

These initiatives and decisions from the continual improvement process should be documented and should lead to improvement in the organisations management of risk and its risk management culture. (See RLSSA Improvement Log (Form).


  • AS/NZS ISO 31000:2018 Risk management - Principles and Guidelines