Appendix 1 - Risk Criteria

Appendix 1 - Risk Criteria

Issue Date Effective Date Version
19/09/2017 01/01/2018 1.0

Consequence Table

5CatastrophicFatalities, Fatal Drowning
4MajorSerious injury/illness, such as permanent disability;
Non-Fatal Drowning
3ModerateMedical treatment or lost time injury;
2MinorMinor injury/illness, such as first aid;
1InsignificantNo injury/illness.

Likelihood Table

Estimate how likely the consequence is to happen as a result of exposure to the hazard using the following table:

LevelLikelihood LevelProbabilityAccess to Emergency or Rescue Services isHistory of Major IncidentsHistory of Minor IncidentsVolume of Activity / UseFrequency of ActivityCompetence in Activity
5Almost CertainWill probably occur more than once30+ minutes1 or more within a monthDaily500+ at a timeDaily Activity or EventNo or limited awareness, skills or experience
4LikelyHigh probability will occur at least once15-30 mins1 or more within past 12 monthsWeekly100-500 at a timeWeekly activity or eventFundamental awareness, skills or experience
3PossibleReasonable that it could occur more than once10-15mins1 or more within past 3 yearsMonthly50-100 at a timeMonthly activity or eventPartial awareness, skills or experience
2UnlikelyMay occur once5-10mins1 or more within past 5 yearsAnnually5-50 at a timeAnnual activity or eventIntermediate awareness, skills or experience
1RareMay occur in exceptional circumstances0-5mins1 or more within past 10 yearsMore than annuallyLess than 5 at a timeGreater than annualAdvanced awareness, skills or experience

Risk Level

Likelihood levelConsequence Level
Almost certainMediumMediumHighHighHigh

Control Effectiveness Table

5Very HighMostly reliableAlwaysMostly effective
4HighOften reliableMostlyOften effective
3ModerateSomewhat reliableSometimesSomewhat effective
2LowRarely reliableRarelyRarely effective
1Very LowNot reliableNotNot effective

Risk Level

Risk LevelUrgency
HighImmediate – stop until treated. For complex treatments, implement short term controls with permanent controls implemented as soon as possible
MediumTreat as soon as practicable but within at least 1 year
LowOngoing control as part of general or routine management activities

Risk Tolerance