Appendix 1 - Risk Criteria
Issue Date |
Effective Date |
Version |
19/09/2017 |
01/01/2018 |
1.0 |
Consequence Table
Level | Severity | Consequence |
5 | Catastrophic | Fatalities, Fatal Drowning |
4 | Major | Serious injury/illness, such as permanent disability; Non-Fatal Drowning |
3 | Moderate | Medical treatment or lost time injury; |
2 | Minor | Minor injury/illness, such as first aid; |
1 | Insignificant | No injury/illness. |
Likelihood Table
Estimate how likely the consequence is to happen as a result of exposure to the hazard using the following table:
Level | Likelihood Level | Probability | Access to Emergency or Rescue Services is | History of Major Incidents | History of Minor Incidents | Volume of Activity / Use | Frequency of Activity | Competence in Activity |
5 | Almost Certain | Will probably occur more than once | 30+ minutes | 1 or more within a month | Daily | 500+ at a time | Daily Activity or Event | No or limited awareness, skills or experience |
4 | Likely | High probability will occur at least once | 15-30 mins | 1 or more within past 12 months | Weekly | 100-500 at a time | Weekly activity or event | Fundamental awareness, skills or experience |
3 | Possible | Reasonable that it could occur more than once | 10-15mins | 1 or more within past 3 years | Monthly | 50-100 at a time | Monthly activity or event | Partial awareness, skills or experience |
2 | Unlikely | May occur once | 5-10mins | 1 or more within past 5 years | Annually | 5-50 at a time | Annual activity or event | Intermediate awareness, skills or experience |
1 | Rare | May occur in exceptional circumstances | 0-5mins | 1 or more within past 10 years | More than annually | Less than 5 at a time | Greater than annual | Advanced awareness, skills or experience |
Risk Level
Likelihood level | Consequence Level |
| Insignificant | Minor | Moderate | Major | Catastrophic |
Almost certain | Medium | Medium | High | High | High |
Likely | Low | Medium | Medium | High | High |
Possible | Low | Low | Medium | Medium | High |
Unlikely | Low | Low | Low | Medium | Medium |
Rare | Low | Low | Low | Low | Medium |
Control Effectiveness Table
Level | Extent | Reliability | Availability | Effectiveness |
5 | Very High | Mostly reliable | Always | Mostly effective |
4 | High | Often reliable | Mostly | Often effective |
3 | Moderate | Somewhat reliable | Sometimes | Somewhat effective |
2 | Low | Rarely reliable | Rarely | Rarely effective |
1 | Very Low | Not reliable | Not | Not effective |
Risk Level
Risk Level | Urgency |
High | Immediate – stop until treated. For complex treatments, implement short term controls with permanent controls implemented as soon as possible |
Medium | Treat as soon as practicable but within at least 1 year |
Low | Ongoing control as part of general or routine management activities |
Risk Tolerance