RM10 - Risk Identification

RM10 - Risk Identification

Issue Date Effective Date Version
19/09/2017 01/01/2018 1.0


To understand and generate a comprehensive list of risks based on those events and circumstances that may have an impact to the objectives of the owner or operator of the aquatic facility


The owner or operator of an Aquatic facility should conduct an Aquatic Risk Assessment specific to the operation of the Aquatic facility

In conducting an aquatic risk assessment, the owner or operator should:

  1. Facilitate a workshop environment, where relevant stakeholders collect analyse and establish a common view to the risks
  2. Apply risk identification tools and techniques
  3. Involve stakeholders with appropriate expertise
  4. Consider risks cumulatively as well as individually; and
  5. Use assessment methods (whether quantitative or qualitative, or both), that are suitable for risks being considered.
  6. Document all aspects of the aquatic risk assessment, including the methods used in the investigation and analysis; and the reasons for deciding which control measures to implement.

The owner or operator of an Aquatic facility should conduct an aquatic risk assessment that identifies all risks that could occur at the aquatic facility, including:

  1. The source of risk
  2. The area of impact
  3. The events that may cause the risk
  4. The causes of the risk
  5. The consequences including the cascading and/or cumulative effects of those consequences
  6. The owner of each risk

Documenting the Risk Identification

In addition to documenting the risks identified, it is also necessary to document the risk identification process to help guide further identification exercises and to ensure good practice are maintained by drawing on lessons learned through previous exercises. Documentation of this step should include:

  1. The approach or method used for identifying risks
  2. The scope covered by the identification
  3. The participants in the risk identification and the information sources consulted

Monitoring and Review of the Risk Identification

Monitoring and Reviewing of the Risk Identification process should include:

  1. Monitoring and reviewing the reliability/currency of sources of information used to identify risks
  2. Monitoring of any changes/enhancements to the risk identification process
  3. Monitoring of the impact these changes may have on future risk identification exercises

Communication and Consultation of the Risk Identification

Communication and Consultation of the Risk Identification process should include:

  1. Identification of the key stakeholders who need to be informed of the risk identification process and how it will be implemented
  2. Consultation with those stakeholders in the identification of risks
  3. Communication of the risk identification process to ensure all stakeholders are aware of and understand the process


  • AS/NZS ISO 31000:2018 Risk management- Principles and Guidelines