RM11 - Risk Analysis

RM11 - Risk Analysis

Issue Date Effective Date Version
19/09/2017 01/01/2018 1.0


To understand and generate a comprehensive list of risks based on those events and circumstances that may have an impact to the objectives of the owner or operator of the aquatic facility


The owner or operator of an Aquatic facility should analysis and document all risks that could occur at the aquatic facility, including:

  1. The effectiveness of existing control measures
  2. The likelihood of each consequence (probability or frequency)
  3. In the event of a major incident occurring, the severity of its potential health and safety consequences;
  4. The confidence in determination of the level of risk and its sensitivity to pre-conditions, assumptions, divergence amongst experts, uncertainty, quality and quantity and relevance of any information
  5. The rating or level of each risk

Documenting the Risk Analysis

Documenting the risk analysis process provides a record of how risks were analysed in previous periods, thereby informing future risks analysis exercises. Another key element of documenting the risk analysis process is the enabling of accurate tracking of risks over time and providing evidence of due process in a legal context

The documentation of the risk analysis should include:

  1. Key assumptions and limitations
  2. Sources of information used
  3. Analysis methods used
  4. The existing controls and their effectiveness
  5. The likelihood of these consequences
  6. The resulting level of risk

Monitoring and Review of the Risk Analysis

Monitoring and reviewing of the risk analysis should include:

  1. Monitoring the effectiveness and relevance of control measures
  2. Monitor the approach used to determine the likelihood and consequence of each risk

Communication and Consultation of the Risk Analysis

Communication and Consultation of the Risk Identification process should include:

  1. Identifying the key stakeholders who need to be informed of the results of the risk analysis
  2. Communication of the results of the risk analysis especially to those who are risk owners
  3. Communication of any proposed changes to the risk analysis approach
  4. Consultation may include meetings, focus groups and strategic planning


  • AS/NZS ISO 31000:2018 Risk management- Principles and Guidelines