SE10 - Personal Protection Equipment

SE10 - Personal Protection Equipment

Issue Date Effective Date Version
09/09/2017 01/01/2018 1.0


To establish the appropriate requirements for personal protection equipment at aquatic facilities.


Certain activities may require employees and other persons to use personal protective equipment (PPE). Common PPE in Aquatic Facilities may include but is not limited to:

  • Gloves and mask during first aid/resuscitation procedures;
  • Shade, sunscreen, sunglasses, long sleeved shirts, rash vests and wide brim hats for Lifeguarding; and
  • Enclosed shoes with a hard sole (sand shoes would be appropriate) for pool deck activity
  • Face Mask, Goggles and gloves when operating with hazardous chemicals

The owner or operator of an aquatic facility should ensure that:

  1. Appropriate PPE is used by employees where:
    • Hazards have not been controlled by a higher level on the hierarchy of controls (elimination, substitution, isolation, engineering or administrative controls);
    • Complete protection is essential, such as during chemical handling/ application;
    • Confined space activity is being carried out;
    • Required by legislation.
  2. Provide adequate training in correct use, storage, maintenance, and disposal.
  3. Ensure that employees follow the manufacturer’s instructions.
  4. Ensure that the appropriate signs have been erected to warn when and what type of PPE is required throughout the premises.

Under Work Health and Safety legislation it is also the employee’s responsibility to:

  • Use or wear the PPE in accordance with any information, training or reasonable instruction provided by the owner or operator of an aquatic facility
  • Notify the owner or operator of an aquatic facility when specific PPE is found to be damaged, not working or missing; and
  • Not intentionally misuse or damage PPE

All ‘others’ in and around the aquatic facility also have a duty under the Work Health and Safety legislation to wear personal protective equipment in accordance with any information, training or reasonable instruction provided by the owner or operator of an aquatic facility.

Aquatic Facility PPE

First Aid

All employees who have a specific responsibility for the immediate care of injured persons (i.e. Lifeguard) should carry the minimum of a resuscitation pocket mask fitted with an oxygen inlet valve, as approved by Australian Standard AS 4259 and at least one pair of disposable gloves to provide protection from cross-infection of diseases when performing resuscitation or first aid.


The PPE required for different chemicals is listed in the relevant Safety Data Sheet for that chemical. The owner or operator of an aquatic facility should provide its staff with the required PPE for the chemicals used in it. This may include:

  • Aprons
  • Boots
  • Face shield
  • Gloves
  • Goggles
  • Overalls
  • Respirator
Sun Protection

To minimize exposure to UV radiation, all lifeguards and other aquatic facility staff working outdoors should be required to where the following:

  • Long sleeved shirt with collar
  • Sunglasses
  • Broad brimmed hat
  • SPF 30+ broad spectrum sunscreen

Facilities should provide shade where practicable at designated lifeguard positions.

Storage of PPE

PPE should be stored in a location that is in close proximity to wear it will be required to be used.

PPE should be stored in a manner so that it is easily accessible.

PPE should be regularly inspected, maintained and/or replaced so that it is always in good condition and working order.


  • Australian Resuscitation Council Guideline 10.1.1, Protective Devices for Rescue Breathing
  • Australian Resuscitation Council Guideline 9.6.2, Cross Infection Precautions in Basic Life Support
  • Australian Standard AS 4259-1995 Ancillary devices for expired air resuscitation
  • Safe Work Australia Model Work Health and Safety Act 2011
  • Safe Work Australia Model Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011
  • State and Territory Workplace Health and Safety Regulations

Previous Versions

  • FA7 Personal Protection Equipment and Safety 1 August 2010, Issue 1