SE3 - Sterilisation of Equipment

SE3 - Sterilisation of Equipment

Issue Date Effective Date Version
09/09/2017 01/01/2018 1.0


To provide guidelines on the maintenance and sterilisation of medical equipment at an aquatic facility.


Maintenance of First Aid Equipment

First aid equipment should be replaced after use so that the first aid kit is always fully stocked and ready for use. There are a number of points to consider in relation to maintaining first aid equipment:

  • Make sure that the first aid kits and equipment are checked regularly
  • Restock first aid supplies after use prior to expiry
  • Clean equipment after use
  • Develop and implement protocols to ensure first aid equipment is ready for use at all times
  • Record any discrepancies using established protocols
Cleansing and Sterilisation of Resuscitation Equipment

The following cleansing process for resuscitation equipment should be followed by lifeguards:

  • Wash equipment in warm soapy water
  • Rinse in water to remove soap residue
  • Soak in 10% bleach or 70% alcoholic hibitane disinfectant for 2 minutes
  • Wash carefully in running water to remove bleach residue
  • Dry carefully
  • Store away dry


Sterilisation means ‘the act or procedure of making some object or organism barren, infertile or free of live bacteria or other micro-organisms’.


  • Cross Infection Risks and Manikin Disinfection, Policy Statement No. 9.6.1, Australian Resuscitation Council, March 2010,