SE8 - First Aid Facilities

SE8 - First Aid Facilities

Issue Date Effective Date Version
09/09/2017 01/01/2018 6.0


To establish the appropriate requirements for first aid facilities at aquatic facilities.

A risk assessment will help determine the type of first aid facilities needed. For example, a clean, quiet area within the Aquatic Facility that affords privacy to an injured or ill person may be suitable and practicable for some Aquatic Facilities.

Access to a telephone for contacting emergency services or an emergency call system should be provided as part of all first aid facilities.

First Aid Rooms

A first aid room should be established at the Aquatic Facility if a risk assessment indicates that it would be difficult to administer appropriate first aid unless a first aid room is provided.

For example, workers who carry out work at Aquatic Facility where there is a higher risk of serious injury or illness occurring that would not only require immediate first aid, but also further treatment by an emergency service, may benefit from having access to a dedicated first aid room.

A first aid room is recommended for:

  • An Aquatic Facility with 100 or more workers or visitors at any one time.

The contents of a first aid room should suit the hazards that are specific to the Aquatic Facility. The location and size of the room should allow easy access and movement of injured people who may need to be supported or moved by stretcher or wheelchair.

The following items should be provided in the room:

  • first aid kit appropriate for the Aquatic Facility
  • Hygienic hand cleanser and disposable paper towels
  • An examination couch with waterproof surface and disposable sheets
  • An examination lamp with magnifier
  • A cupboard for storage
  • A container with disposable lining for soiled waste
  • A container for the safe disposal of sharps
  • A bowl or bucket (minimum two litres capacity)
  • Electric power points
  • A chair and a table or desk
  • A telephone and/or emergency call system
  • The names and contact details of first aiders and emergency organisations.

A first aid room should:

  • Be located within easy access to a sink with hot and cold water (where this is not provided in the room) and toilet facilities
  • Offer privacy via screening or a door
  • Be easily accessible to emergency services (minimum door width of 1 metre for stretcher access)
  • Be well lit and ventilated
  • Have an appropriate floor area (14 square metres as a guide)
  • Have an entrance that is clearly marked with first aid signage

Staffs at an Aquatic Facility who have a duty of care to maintain a first aid room should:

  1. Hold the following (or equivalent) current nationally recognised Statement/s of Attainment issued by a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) for the nationally endorsed first aid unit/s of competency:
    • HLTAID003A Provide First Aid
    • HLTAID006A Provide Advanced First Aid
    • HLTAID007 Provide Advanced Resuscitation &
    • HLTAID008A Manage First Aid services and resource


  • Australian Resuscitation Council Guidelines
  • Safe Work Australia – A Guide to First Aid in the Workplace
  • A Guide to First Aid in the Workplace, NT WorkSafe.
  • A Guide to First Aid in the Workplace, WorkCover Tasmania.
  • ACT First Aid in the Workplace 2006, ACT WorkCover.
  • Code of Practice: (No 18) First Aid in the Workplace, Victorian WorkCover Authority.
  • Code of Practice: First Aid Facilities and Services, Commission for Occupational health and Safety, Western Australia.
  • First Aid Code of Practice 2004, Queensland Government Department of Employment and Industrial Relations.
  • First Aid in the Workplace, Guide 2001, WorkCover New South Wales.
  • Code of Practice for Occupational Health and First Aid in the Workplace, 1991, Safe Work SA.

Previous Versions

  • FA3 Contents of First Aid Rooms, 1st August 2010.
  • FA4 Contents of First Aid Rooms, September 1999.
  • FA4 Contents of First Aid Rooms, July 1996.
  • FA5 Contents of First Aid Rooms, January 1994.
  • FA4 Contents of First Aid Rooms, August 1991.