SP10 - Moveable Booms (Bulk Heads)

SP10 - Moveable Booms (Bulk Heads)

Issue Date Effective Date Version
19/09/2017 01/01/2018 3.0


To provide guidance on the safe design and installation of moveable booms.


Moveable booms are installed in swimming pools to allow flexible division of the water space. Moveable booms come in a number of configurations:

  • Narrow (approximately 500mm wide)
  • Medium (approximately 1000mm wide) with starting blocks facing in one direction
  • Large (approximately 1500mm to 2000mm) with starting blocks facing in both directions
  • Top of boom flush (slightly above) with water surface
  • Top of boom raised above (approximately 300mm) the water surface

If the Moveable boom is to be used as a walkway is shall conform to the same width measurements as a Pool Concourse.

The boom should be designed to prevent entrapment of people and equipment.

The boom should be designed in such a way that regardless of the primary method of movement it may be moved normally while not compromising employee health and safety.

An electrically movable boom should be connected to an electrical circuit fitted with appropriate earth leakage protection.

When in situ, the boom should be able to be firmly anchored in place.

The surface of the boom should be slip resistive conforming to the recommendations in Australian Standards Handbook HB 197 - 1999; An Introductory Guide to the Slip Resistance of Pedestrian Surface Materials.

For competition pools, the boom should be rigid and not allow flexing in the middle lanes when struck by swimmers.

Moveable booms which can be raised above the pool or lowered to the pool floor require a specific risk assessment and treatment measures implemented in accordance with the Guidelines for Aquatic Risk Management.

Moveable booms fitted with curtains or barriers that can be lowered to the pool floor may create voids and/or other entrapment hazards, and may require special safety and supervisory design considerations.

Moveable booms should only be move when all persons are out of the water

Maintenance of Booms and Associated Equipment

Moveable booms and associated equipment should be regularly checked - at least annually - for degradation of surface materials, mechanical and structural integrity which may pose a threat to either the operators or the users of the pool. Consideration should be given to issues such as, but not limited to;

  1. Risk of entrapment
  2. Electrical Safety
  3. Risk of injury to operators while moving
  4. Risk of injury to users of the pool (e.g. Sharp edges which could potentially cause cuts and abrasions when contacted by users)


  • Australian Standards Handbook HB 197 - 1999; An Introductory Guide to the Slip Resistance of Pedestrian Surface Materials
  • AS 1428.1 - 2001; Design for access and mobility Part 1: General requirements for access - New building work.
  • FINA Handbook, Part IX, FINA Facilities Rules 2015 – 2017.
  • Building Code of Australia - 2006. Australian Building Code Board.

Previous Versions

  • FD7 Movable Booms (Bulk Heads) Issue 2, November 2007