SP11 - Diving Pools and Facilities

SP11 - Diving Pools and Facilities

Issue Date Effective Date Version
19/09/2017 01/01/2018 3.0


To establish guidelines on safety considerations in the design of diving pools.


The dimensions for the design and construction of diving pools, platforms and springboards for competition purposes are maintained in the FINA Handbook, Part IX, FINA Facilities Rules 2015 – 2017.

Length and Width

The length of a Diving Pool should be 25m from end to end.

The width of a Diving Pool should be a minimum of 20m plus the width of entry / access steps/ramps.

Water Depth

For pools designed and constructed after 26th September 2013 the minimum dimensions in metres for diving facilities as detailed below shall prevail, using, as a basic measuring point of reference, the plummet line, which is a vertical line extending through the centre of the front edge of the springboard or platform. It is recommended that the preferred dimensions be used for projects considered to have an important status

OptionsMinimum Water DepthOptimum Water Depth
1m Springboard3.4m3.5m
3m Springboard3.7m3.8m
1m Platform3.2m3.3m
3m Platform3.5m3.6m
5m Platform3.7m3.8m
7.5m Platform4.1m4.5m
10m Platform4.5m5m
Above 10m PlatformPlatforms above 10m are not recommended for use in Aquatic Facilities

Springboard Facilities

Springboards shall be at least 4.8 metres long and 0.5 metre wide.

Springboard should have a non-slip surface conforming to the recommendations of Standards Australia Handbook “HB 197 - An Introductory Guide to the Slip Resistance of Pedestrian Surface Materials” and AS/NZS 4586:2004

The springboards should be provided with movable fulcrums easily adjustable by the diver.

For springboard diving facilities modified or constructed on concrete platforms after 1 October 2013, the following shall be observed

  1. The vertical distance from the level of the platform, which supports the fulcrum assembly, to the level of the top of the springboard, shall be 0.35metre
  2. The distance from the front edge of the fulcrum assembly (which is 0.741 metres in length) to the front edge of the supporting platform, shall be a maximum of 0.44 metre
  3. If the front edge of the platform projects past this point then the fulcrum assembly and the rear hinge assembly should be moved forward so as to provide for a maximum of 0.44 metres from the front edge of the platform to the front of the fulcrum assembly

The minimum distance recommended from the rear to the centre line of the fulcrum shall be in accordance with the recommendation or specification of the springboard manufacturer,

The springboards shall be installed dead level at the leading edge when the movable fulcrum is in all positions.

The springboards should be placed on either one or both sides of the platform.

For Synchronised Diving, it is required that at least two springboards at the same height shall be placed side by side and no objects should obstruct the visibility in any part of the dive between the divers.

Springboards should be installed either side of the platform tower.

Springboards should not be installed on opposite or adjacent pool sides to each other.

Springboards should not be installed under any other springboard or platform or other obstruction. Overhead clearance should be a minimum of 5.0m.

Springboards should be fitted to the fulcrum to ensure maintenance of a central aspect within the structure.

Diving towers should be offset with no overhead obstruction. The minimum offset between midpoints of adjacent 1m platforms or springboards is 2.0m, with greater separation required for 3m, 5m 7.5 and 10m platforms and springboards. Refer FINA Handbook for all specifications.

Platform Facilities

Each platform shall be rigid and horizontal

The minimum dimensions of the platform shall be as follows:

OptionsMinimum WidthOptimum WidthLength
1m Platform1m2.9m5m
3m Platform1m2m5m
5m Platform2.9m2.9m5m
7.5m Platform2m2m6m
10m Platform3m3m6m

1m Diving platforms and boards should be provided at least 2.5 metres clear of the pool walls, with greater distance required for 3m, 5m, 7.5m and 10m platforms and springboards. Refer FINA Handbook for all specifications.

The preferred thickness of the front edge of the platform shall be 0.2 metre but not exceeding 0.3 metre, and can be vertical or inclined at an angle not greater than 10° to the vertical inside the plummet line.

The surface and the front edge of the platform shall be covered throughout with a resilient non-slip surface. The two surfaces shall be covered separately in order to achieve a clean 90° angle or as described previously. The front surface is to be applied first and then the top surface.

The platforms shall be covered in an anti-slip material that shall have a tread pattern that provides sufficient traction in wet and dry conditions such that the divers are prevented from slipping when performing dives in all directions. The minimum thickness should be 6mm (-0 / + 1mm) and the colour should give a contrast to the surrounding décor.

The material shall be easily cleaned to maintain the anti-slip feature of the product. The installation of the non-slip platform covering shall respect FINA Rule FR 5.2.4.

The front edge of the 10 metre platform shall project at least 1.50 metres, the 7.5 metre, 5 metre and 2.6 –3.0 metre platforms 1.25 metres, and the 0.6 –1 metre platform 0.75 metre beyond the edge of the pool.

Where a platform is directly underneath another platform the platform above shall project a minimum of 0.75 metre (preferred 1.25 metres) beyond the platform below

The back and sides of each platform (except 1.0 metre or lower platforms) shall be surrounded by handrails up to 1m from the edge of the platform with a minimum clearance of 1.8 metres between vertical pairs. The minimum height shall be 1.0 metre and they shall be with at least two horizontal crossbars placed outside the platform beginning 1.0 metre from the front edge of the platform.

Each platform shall be accessible by suitable stairs (not ladders) as required by the countries building regulations and or health and safety standards that are applicable

It is preferable that a platform is not constructed directly under any other platform however in circumstance where this cannot be avoided then you should refer to the FINA Handbook, Part IX, FINA Facilities Rules 2015 – 2017.

Requirements for the Supporting Structure

For platforms and supporting structure of the springboards the design load is p = 350 kilopond’s (kilograms force) per lineal metre.

All other structural requirements shall be as per the Building Code of Australia


Handrails should extend along the edge of the platform or springboard structure to within 0.8m of the edge of the platform, except for 1m platforms & springboards where they should extend to level with the pool edge.

The vertical gap between horizontal handrails should not be greater than 0.33m.

Handrails should be provided on all ladders and stairs leading to the diving board. This is in addition to the rail on which the rungs or steps are affixed.

Handrails should be slip resistive.

The diving platform or springboard should extend over the pool edge for a least 1.5m, and over platforms directly underneath for at least 0.75m.

Vertical ladders should not be provided for diving boards and platforms higher than 1.0m.

Stairs are preferred with diving towers.

Steps and ladders leading to diving facilities 3.0m or more above the pool surface should be installed at not more than 50º from the horizontal.

Additional Safety Considerations

The following information consist of additional safety requirements which should be applied to all diving facilities

  1. The ceiling above the diving pool should be finished in a contrast colour to that of the pool to allow diver orientation during descent.
  2. Ladders or climb outs allowing for prompt exit from the pool should be provided directly opposite, and in large diving pools adjacent to, the diving tower or springboards.
  3. In outdoor facilities where diving pools are used for a range of competition and recreational activities, they should be isolated with approved safety fencing.
  4. The diving pool due to its greater depth should have its walls and floor finished in a light colour. (See Pool Colour Marking)
  5. Mechanical surface agitation shall be installed under the diving facilities to aid the divers in their visual perception of the surface of the water. In pools equipped with an underwater bubble machine, the machine should only be used for this purpose if it creates sufficient water agitation when working with a very low pressure; otherwise a horizontal water sprinkler system should only be used.
  6. The height of the springboards and each platform above the water level may vary by plus 0.05 metre and minus 0.00 metre from the heights prescribed in the Rules.
  7. The end of 5, 3, and 1 metre platforms should not project beyond the ends of the 3 and 1 metre springboards when they are adjacent to each other.
  8. In the area of full water depth, the bottom of the pool may rise up to 2%. In the diving pool, the depth of water shall not be less than 1.8 metres at any point.
  9. In outdoor pools, best practice suggests that springboards and platforms are recommended to face south in the southern hemisphere.
  10. The minimum illumination at a level of 1 metre above the water surface shall not be less than 600 lux.
  11. Sources of natural and artificial illumination shall be provided with controls to prevent glare.
  12. The water temperature shall be not less than 26° Celsius.


  • FINA Handbook, Part IX, FINA Facilities Rules 2015 – 2017.
  • Diving in Swimming Pools and Open Water Areas- 1998; Institute of Sport and Recreation Management, England.
  • Building Code of Australia - 2006. Australian Building Code Board.
  • Pool Tank Guideline

Previous Versions

  • FD8 Diving Towers, Springboards and Pools, Issue 2 November 2007