SP7 - Swimming Lanes

SP7 - Swimming Lanes

Issue Date Effective Date Version
19/09/2017 01/01/2018 4.0


To establish safety guidelines for safety in the design of swimming lanes for lap swimming, and recreational swimming.

Note: Where pools are to be used for competitions and competitor training, reference should be made to the FINA Handbook, Part IX, FINA Facilities Rules 2015 – 2017 for recommended swimming pool dimensions and lane design.

Swimming Lane Width

The width of a swimming lane may vary depending upon the intended use of the pool. The lane width shall be measured anchor point to anchor point and should be as follows (See also SD7.8):

Options Optimum WidthMinimum
Lane Swimming 2500mm with two spaces of at least 0.2m outside of the first and last lanes 2000mm
Educational or Recreation 2000mm 1500mm

Lane Ropes

When lane ropes are used they should not present a hazard to the public with sharp edges, or fittings.

Lane ropes should extend the full length of the swimming pool, secured at each end wall to anchor brackets recessed into the wall. The anchor shall be positioned so that floats at each end wall of the pool shall be on the surface of the water.

Each lane rope should have floats placed end to end having a minimum diameters of 0.05 metres

At the 15m mark from each wall end and in the middle of a 50m pool the floats should be distinct in colour to indicate the distance within the pool.

N.B In competition lane ropes are required to be specific colours

Lane Markings

Lane markings shall be of a dark contrasting colour, placed on the floor of the pool in the centre of the lane.

Line width should be minimum 200mm with a maximum of 300mm

Line length should be:

  1. 46 metres for 50m pools
  2. 21 metres for 25m pools

Each line should finish 2000mm from the end wall of the pool with a distinctive cross line 1000mm long and of the same width at each end.

For 50m pools constructed after January 1st 2006, cross lines 500mm long should be placed 15m from each end of the pool.

Target lines should be placed on the end walls or touch panels in the centre of each lane. Target lines should be the same width as the lane marking line.

  1. These should extend without interruption from the pool edge to pool floor.
  2. A cross line should be placed 300mm under the water surface. This line should be 500mm long.
Note 1: 300mm should be measured to the centre point of the cross line.

Note 2: Touch panels cross lines should extend the whole depth of the touch panel.

Colour markings should be used on lane ropes to identify the 5000mm mark from both ends of the pool.

Backstroke Turn Indicators

Flagged ropes should be suspended across the pool 5000mm in from each end of the pool, and greater than 1800mm above the water surface, with consideration given for sufficient clearance for the safe use inflatables and other equipment while still allowing lap swimming in other lanes of the pool.

These should be in place for any pool when used for lap/competitive swimming.

The backstroke turn indicator support poles should be removable and the recess into which the support pole is inserted should be flush with the surface.

The flag colour and design should be visible from the water and be contrasting with the facility surrounds.

False Start Ropes

False start ropes may be suspended across the pool when a pool is used for competitive swimming. When suspended they should be as follows:

  1. Located 15m in from the start end of the pool
  2. Elevated greater than 1200mm above the water surface
  3. Long enough to cover every lane width within the pool when activated
  4. Attached with a quick release mechanism that is not susceptible to the damp conditions of a pool environment

The support poles should be removable and the recess into which the support pole is inserted should be flush with the surface.

Touch Panels

Touch panels should have no sharp edges.

The installation system for portable touch panels should have no sharp or protruding fittings.

The touch panels should not present the possibility of electric shock.

Target lines should be provided on the touch panels as per 4.1.6, and should extend the entire depth of the panel.

Cords used for automatic timing should not present a trip hazard to users.

Connection housings should be water proof and be located where they do not present a trip hazard to users.


  • Guideline FD 24 Design of Starting Blocks (Starting Platforms)
  • Guideline SU24 Safe Water Entry for Competitions (Competitive Starts)
  • FINA Handbook, Part IX, FINA Facilities Rules 2015 – 2017.
  • Diving in Swimming Pools and Open Water Areas- 1998; Institute of Sport and Recreation Management, England.

Previous Versions

  • FD6 Swimming Lane Design, Issue 3 November 2007