SP1 - Pool Areas

SP1 - Pool Areas

Issue Date Effective Date Version
19/09/2017 01/01/2018 1.0


To establish guidance on the safe design of multiple pools in an aquatic facility

Location and Layout of Pools

The location and layout of pools, spas, waterslide, within a facility can have a major effect on safety and the ability for Lifeguards (if provided) to offer adequate supervision.

Sometimes small modifications/allowances during the design of a pool area, or when deciding on refurbishments, can allow not only safer working practices and better standards of supervision, but may also potentially lessen the required number of staff to supervise a given pool/area.

The following recommendations should be considered whenever new swimming pool areas are designed, and when refurbishments are made on existing swimming pool areas.

  1. Toddlers and learners pools should be situated away from the deep end of a pool or diving pools.
    • Where this is not possible, effective transparent barriers, and appropriate signage should be provided.
    • These barriers should not interfere with the line of sight for supervision.
  2. Water of 1.2m depth or greater should not be situated near main entry points to pool hall, major traffic flow areas or change room entry. Where this is not possible effective barriers, and appropriate signage should be provided.
  3. Where bridges or other platforms that extend over the surface of the water, such as over rivers or leisure pools, are provided, sufficient clearance should be provided.
  4. Reception should be located in such a position, in relation to the pool area/s, to allow for all, or as much as possible, of the pool area to be directly visible.
  5. Saunas and Steam Rooms should be located in such a position to allow staff easy access for periodic checks for safety in these areas.
  6. Access and egress pathways should be sufficient enough to allow easy access to emergency services and/or disabled patients from a First Aid Room.


  • FINA Handbook, Part IX, FINA Facilities Rules 2015 – 2017.
  • Australian Standards Handbook HB 197 - 1999; An Introductory Guide to the Slip Resistance of Pedestrian Surface Materials
  • AS 4586-2013 Slip resistance classification of new pedestrian materials
  • AS 1428.1 - 2001; Design for access and mobility Part 1: General requirements for access - New building work.
  • Building Code of Australia - 2006. Australian Building Code Board.
  • Managing Health & Safety in Swimming Pools - February 2003; Health & Safety Commission, England.
  • Pool Operations Manual - The Royal Life Saving Society Canada.
  • Aquatic Facility Management - 2005; Paul Faucet of Human Kinetics, U.S.A

Previous Versions

  • 4.4 and 4.5 of FD 1 Design of a Pool Tank, Issue 4 November 2007